severe flooding

美 [sɪˈvɪr ˈflʌdɪŋ]英 [sɪˈvɪə(r) ˈflʌdɪŋ]
  • 严重的水灾
severe floodingsevere flooding
  1. State police say that high tides and severe flooding have damaged beaches .


  2. But further complicating life in the area , severe flooding .


  3. We also defeated severe flooding . With the military and civilians20 heedless of danger and difficulty , and standing21 in unity6 , we managed to minimize the damage of the floods .


  4. High tides combined with strong winds caused severe flooding .


  5. North China was hit by unexpected heavy rain which caused severe flooding .


  6. We 've told you about the severe flooding there .


  7. A tidal surge caused severe flooding to the area by the sea .


  8. It rained heavily , causing severe flooding in that country .


  9. An unexpected heavy rain caused severe flooding .


  10. Severe flooding and displacement of large numbers of people have occurred , aggravating the situation .


  11. Severe flooding across central and southern China continues to force thousands of people from their homes .


  12. Lt.Colonel Utterback talking about the severe flooding in Colorado .


  13. It provides sandbags to the few residential and business areas that some water during severe flooding .


  14. Severe flooding was consequent on the heavy rains .


  15. And across the pond in England , thousands without power after severe flooding hits on Christmas Day .


  16. Heavy downpours continue to batter south China 's Guangdong province , causing severe flooding and mud flows in multiple areas .


  17. Super-storm Sandy has swept across the eastern US coast , bringing heavy rain , high winds and severe flooding .


  18. Parts of the northeastern coast of the United States are facing severe flooding after being hit by tropical storm Irene .


  19. Cloudseeding uses chemical spraying of clouds to make it rain and the military used it on a British village many years ago causing severe flooding .


  20. Huge surges cause severe flooding that demolishes buildings , washes out beaches and highways , and drowns people .


  21. Severe flooding has cut power to small towns , shut down Interstate 25 north of Denver and forced thousands of residents to head to higher ground .


  22. Heavy rains that caused severe flooding in parts of Colorado have subsided somewhat , giving officials time to begin to assess the damage and rescue stranded residents .


  23. In the summer of 1998 , a rarely severe flooding disaster occurred in the Yangtze River basin , which made a great number of farmland submerged , crops damaged and houses collapsed .


  24. Lions , tigers and even a hippopotamus escaped from a zoo in Tbilisi , Georgia , adding to chaos caused by severe flooding that killed at least 12 people .


  25. Cristobal is now a hurricane in the waters of the Atlantic heading away from the Bahamas , but not before causing some severe flooding on some Carribean islands .


  26. Now , a number of state officials here in western New York , and they are preparing for another possibility : severe flooding that governor has warned this area can see more significant flooding than it 's seen in a very long time .


  27. The typical Meiyu over Yangtze River and Huaihe River basins during the summer 2004 pattern did not form , whereas the active troughs in westerlies at middle latitude occurred dispersedly , hereby , no severe flooding appeared over there .


  28. The super strong El Nino officially came to an end in May . But the lingering effects of El Nino will continue to cause larger rainfall and the possibility of severe flooding in China 's coastal regions remains , warned Zhou Bing , chief engineer of the National Climate Center .


  29. It is very difficult to acquire all-round and effective data of production profile from existing zonation testing approaches for pumping wells because of sand inflow , complex well conditions and severe water flooding during late development period .


  30. However , at the end of 2013 severe storms and flooding hit the area , damaging the local market .
